Tuesday 23 October 2012

Tribal Scarification 

Karamojong women from Karamoja which is a subregion of north-eastern Uganda. The Karamojong women beautify their faces with scars that are made around the eyes and on the forehead.

I found this picture of modern scarification in a book which is called Colour full pain by Walter Kehr.
I thought it was a simple scar but has a lot of meaning which is why i chose to look at it in more detail. For my final look i want to include scars on my model but more on the face and down the neck or instead just on the body and use tattooing on the face instead.

This is another image i found by Alex Box and it reminds me of scarring but has been made into beauty. I like how gems have been used on the skin to create texture and also the different shapes and sizes of the gems on the face.

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