Thursday 4 October 2012

This is my own dot painting i did after researching the diferent symbold and patterns that are found in aboriginal dot paintings.

 This is a photo i found online of a dot painting which uses all the natural colours that the aboriginals use for all their paintings so all reds and browns and yellow colours, all very earthy colours.

 As i have lived in Astralia i have always had an interest in the Aboriginal culture, especially their art work.
Its interesting to see how the features of the face have been emphasized by different cultures, especially facial hair and circles around the eyes.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, I find this interesting also. And the approach to highlighting the features can be so varied too.

    As part of your investigation, try to find out why the marking are placed there. Religious? Mating ritual? Voodoo? It is not enough to gather visual information, try to understand it to give your a more informed perspective. This will enhance your creative suggestions when you begin to develop your designs.
