Thursday 13 December 2012

Trial shoot 2

This shoot is my second trial shoot i did to practice my look and see how my whole look would come together in practice.

These first two photos have been taken after i had completed my look, however i felt that the look wasnt working well with the hairstyle and also on the model i had chosen.
The two images after this are taken whilst i was messing around with the hair to see what sort of styles would work and decided to go with the hair up instead of down.
I have started researching more into Native Americans, in particular the film, 'The last of the Mohicans', as it shows great examples of Native Americans and how there dressed and styled themselves. Not only am i going to look at the tribes in the film but i'm also going to look at the two girls, Alice and Cora and combine the looks of the Natives Americans and the Sisters together.

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