Thursday 13 December 2012

!!!Editorial Garment Ready to wear!!!

Material Mood board

This material mood board has all the materials i have used in my corset and also contains materials and colours that  i was thinking about using.

This corset took me a total of 12 hours to complete after having to hand stitch everything together. I bought a cheap corset from Primark in which they only had a size 12-14 so i had to take it in to a size 8-10 before i could start my designs on the corset. After taking in the corset i sewed cream canvas like material onto the corset in sections. Following this i cut the corset down the middle in the front so that i could sew on eyelets to put lace though to tie up the corset. After this  i sewed on this lovely red ribbon material i found in a fabric store to cover the eyelets and also round the sides of the corsets. To finish the corset i added the feathers to the top of the corset. 

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