Friday 2 November 2012

More Beautiful Photos of scarification that i came across on  

These dots created in scarification are really what i want to incorporate into my editorial look as i think they are really beautiful looking and also look quite delicate on the skin i think, whereas other types of scarification look more harsh and maybe a little scary. 
To create this dotted effect i am going to use yellow lentils as they are flat on one side and seem to be slightly smaller than green or red lentils.

Modern day scarification!

These two photos a very detailed example of scarification and are very beautiful to look at. I found these photos of scarification via Google and i literally fell in-love with them for their complexity and beauty. They make me want to go and get the same thing done on myself as i could almost sit here all day and trace up and down each line and swirl in this design, however i have a lot of work to get on with so best not.

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